

An MFA For Your MBA: Professional-Level Writing Advice for Mastering Communication and Creativity in Business and In Your Career, Atmosphere Press (May 14, 2024).


“We the Jews of Congregation Beth-El on October 26, 1996” in EcoTheo Review (Autumn 2023).

“The Dogs of Arkansas,” short story winning “Highly Commended” in the Hammond House 2022 International Literary Prize (January 2023).

Clair De Lune,” flash fiction in Every Day Fiction (Nov 1, 2022).

“Shakespeare in Lovecraft,” a mash-up in Lovecraftiana (Vol 7, Issue 3, Halloween 2022).

“The Money Box,” a short story about a mysterious black box that distributes money—with grave consequences—in After Dinner Conversation, Vol 3, Issue 6 (June 2022). Chosen for “Best of 2022” by the editors.

Admiral Plumbum Alexander of the Mechanical Airship Diabeticus,” a flash piece about steampunk and diabetes, in Bear Creek Gazette Vol 6 (November 10, 2021).

Real Men Don’t Hit Their Wives” in Bull, May 19 2021.

“Hunting Crows Year-Round,” flash fiction in Orca (March 2021). Nominated for Best Small Fictions.

“Selfie Stick,” a story about Creativewritingland, in Maudlin House, Feb 5, 2020.

“Ragamuffin,” a 2nd-person POV short story in JuxtaProse, Vol. 21 (Winter 2019)

“i (Another Dawn Breaks Upon My Forehead),” a lipogrammatic short story in Lotus-Eater Magazine, issue #9, April 2019.

DRAKE In Server City,” a short story about DRAKE in Opossum Literary Journal, Fall 2018.

“Last Lectures on Fiddlesticks,” a short story about the legendary game of Fiddlesticks, in Passages North #39, 2018. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

“The Get” in The Gettysburg Review, Winter 2017.

I Swallowed The Sword Of Shannara and Lived To Tell This Tale About It” in The Boiler Journal, July 2016, nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Creative Nonfiction

Let Me Ride,” or, My First CD: Dr. Dre’s The Chronic, published at Hobart, Feb 8, 2020.

"Mimetic Diabetic," a short article in the Front Porch Journal blog, published Nov 7, 2016, about writing and chronic illness.


“Crop Circles,” poem. Feral: A Journal of Poetry and Art, Issue #16 (June 30, 2023).

“21 Years On,” poem. Fahmidan Journal, Issue #15 “Thyroid and Autoimmune Warriors,” (2023).

“Sugar in the Blood,” poem. Fahmidan Journal, Issue #15 “Thyroid and Autoimmune Warriors,” (2023).

"Cutting Down Trees," poem. Paterson Literary Review, Issue #32 (2003).

“Self-Discovery,” poem. Harpur Palate, Vol. 2 #2, (Winter 2002).

Other (Book reviews, interviews, etc.)

“Decline/Accept” feature in Carve (Winter 2023), about “Real Men Don’t Hit Their Wives.”

Interview with Jim Harrington at Six Questions For… about Abandon Journal, October 22, 2021.

"From The Vault" book review of The Exes, by Pagan Kennedy, in Front Porch Journal, Issue #35 (May 2017).

Front Porch Journal #34, letter from the editors. Published Dec 16, 2016.

Review of The Dark Will End the Dark, by Darrin Doyle, in Ampersand Journal, May 3, 2015.

Review of The Blast, by David Ohle, in Front Porch Journal, Issue #28 (May 2015).

"Critical Instruction," a long video interview with Meagan Cass, (author of the phenomenal short story collection Range of Motion, among much other great work) featured in Front Porch Journal, Issue #28 (May 2015)

Review of Witch Piss, by Sam Pink, in Ampersand Journal, October 13, 2014.

Review of Against The Hidden River, by Michael W. Cox, in Ampersand Journal, February 2, 2014.

Review of This Is Between Us, by Kevin Sampsell, in Ampersand Journal, January 12, 2014.